Bold Vision and the New Cross People’s Library met with Lewisham Council this week – and made good progress. We are arranging a short term licence for August opening to be followed by a Tenancy at Will. Meanwhile holiday opening is Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am to 1pm with childrens activities running 11.45am-12.45pm during the school holidays. [...]
Bunting Appeal
If each and everyone of us bought a packet of plastic bunting on sale in any local supermarket, then… [more]
New Cross Jubilee Street Party
St James' school, New Cross Learning (, which runs the local library), the Hobgoblin… [more]
Brockley Max
The Brockley MAX Festival (1-9 June 2012) is an annual, community festival (now in its 12th year) and… [more]
New Cross Community Forum
The big launch of the NXCF is confirmed as Sat 30th June 4pm - 8pm at 170 Community Project 170 New Cross… [more]
New Cross Learning Launch
The new cross learning launch on sat 19th was a joyous affair with street dancing, acapella singing and… [more]
Bold Vision Common Growth
Over 40 hardy people made it through the rain to join us for our consultation meeting on community food production on Telegraph Hill. The organisers will be circulating information about the event and the next steps but here are a few personal highlights: strong will to work together on this rather than chopping the land [...]
Local Websites
- Minutes 01.5.2012 May 9, 2012
New Cross Community Forum May 23, 2012
Brockley Max May 24, 2012
New Cross Jubilee Street Party May 25, 2012
Bunting Appeal May 25, 2012
The London Theatre – New Cross May 17, 2012
New Cross Learning Launch May 20, 2012
Bunting Appeal May 25, 2012
New Cross Jubilee Street Party May 25, 2012
Brockley Max May 24, 2012
New Cross Community Forum May 23, 2012
New Cross Learning Launch May 20, 2012
The London Theatre – New Cross May 17, 2012
Permaculture Course May 15, 2012
- New Cross Learning Launch 19.05.12 | Bold Vision | Telegraph Hill: [...] it’s not to late to add one – ju...
Brian: Hi there,,,please post any pictures you have from ...
catherine: I've updated the post... The days are drawing sho...
Sandy: Hi, would you please let me know what time is the ...
catherine: 11.30am till 4pm and absolutely suitable for a 10 ...
: What time is the beast art thing? Is it suitable ...
Common Growth: Knowing San Francisco well and this famous landmar...