Local DJ Mental Floss brings her vinyl and her decks to the Hill Station on Friday 2nd December for an evening of good music. She hasn’t finalised the record box yet but listen out for anything from Groove Armada to Frank Sinatra, Royksopp to Tito Puente.
What else could you want from a night out without having to leave Telegraph Hill?!
About catherine
Part of the initial group that started thinking about our community space in Telegraph Hill (via Fabric of Society artwork, community survey + Hill Business network) and now a director of Bold Vision. Business owner of a behavioural research company (customerinterpreter.com) and owner manager of a luxury venue (londonwatertower.com). Founder of the Thinking Tank, an RSA online monthly debating society tackling social issues.
[...] https://boldvision.org.uk/mothers-ruin-02-12-11 [...]