Message from Brockley: 1) MidWinter Warmer for Brockley’s Senior Citizens: Saturday 11 February, 2pm-5pm Brockley Social Club, 240 Brockley Road, SE4 2SU (cnr Foxberry Road, next to Esso garage) Please check if your elderly neighbours would like to come. Can you help on the day? Offer lifts? Bake cakes? (bring them on the day) For [...]
Book Sale
Lewisham Pensioners' Forum Fundraiser Big Book Sale Free Entry Paperbacks: only 25p or five for £1 Hardbacks:… [more]
Launch 19 May New Cross Library invitation /and cake request
Dear Friends & Volunteers of New Cross Library You are warmly invited to come and celebrate… [more]
A message from Vanessa Lloyd "A few of us played badminton at Haberdasher Askes' Playing Fields (inside… [more]
Play reading opportunity
A message from Cedric Porter: "I am looking for anyone who might be interested in taking part in… [more]
New Cross Learning Launch 19.05.12
The new sign is up and the first part of the participatory artwork made by local arts organisation Artmongers… [more]

Find out about time credits in Telegraph Hill Feb 16
This message is from Spice. I met with them a few months ago and think it’s a great opportunity that we can be part of this initiative. Here’s you chance to help shape hopw it works in Telegraph Hill by coming along to one of their sessions at the Telegraph Hill Centre. [...]

How to become a Bold Vision volunteer or member
Be part of our world…join here At our next AGM (Jan 20th in the Hill Station, Kitto Rd) we will be opening up our decision making process to all Bold Vision members. You are eligible to become a member for any (or several) of the following reasons: being a Bold Backer giving sweat equity (working [...]

Book Sale 28 Jan
Book Sale in aid of Crisis and New Cross Learning (formerly the library) All unwanted books, CDs and DVDs gratefully received any time after Jan 9th. Please drop off at the library in New Cross Road or at the Telegraph Hill Centre (Kitto Road)

Boxing Day Sharing Lunch 12-4pm
Feeling a bit lonely this Christmas? Or just fancy a change of scene and a bit of friendly conversation. At last year’s sharing lunch we had people from at least 5 countries… who knows who will show up this time. Bring anything to eat or drink that you are happy to share. Leftovers very welcome! [...]
Local Websites
- Minutes 01.5.2012 May 9, 2012
Book Sale May 11, 2012
Launch 19 May New Cross Library invitation /and cake request May 9, 2012
- Fab skatepark launch March 27, 2012
Like free films? March 27, 2012
Mixer Live Word event 30.03.12 March 27, 2012
Become an Arts Award Adviser 22.04.12 March 27, 2012
Book Sale May 11, 2012
Launch 19 May New Cross Library invitation /and cake request May 9, 2012
- Minutes 01.5.2012 May 9, 2012
Badminton? April 29, 2012
Play reading opportunity April 28, 2012
New Cross Learning Launch 19.05.12 April 25, 2012
Relay 27.04.12 April 24, 2012
- New Cross Learning Launch 19.05.12 | Bold Vision | Telegraph Hill: [...] it’s not to late to add one – ju...
Brian: Hi there,,,please post any pictures you have from ...
catherine: I've updated the post... The days are drawing sho...
Sandy: Hi, would you please let me know what time is the ...
catherine: 11.30am till 4pm and absolutely suitable for a 10 ...
: What time is the beast art thing? Is it suitable ...
Common Growth: Knowing San Francisco well and this famous landmar...