Dick Whittington – A gloriously fun fundraising Panto, back for it’s 6th year! This year funds raised will go to Telegraph Hill Centre, an independent community organisation: Carers Lewisham and Bold Vision. Join Dick Whittington and his cat in this tale of derring do and (mis)adventure. Meet a host of ripe and rambunctious characters, friends […]

Dick Whittington Dec 4-6

Refugee twinning action meeting
We had a very productive meeting last night and identified several great potential twinning projects. We showed the film again for those who had not been at the first meeting, and heard some great stories from people at the meeting with experience in Palestinian refugee camps in the 80s (Kitty) and Indian/Pakistan partition refugee camps […]

Twinning: growing girl power
Our original idea with the ChangeMakers was to have young adults 18-25 years old. What we quickly discovered though was that would mean girls and boys could not work together. So instead we decided to work with 13-16 year olds. Some of the people we talked to were still sceptical about whether that could work […]

Twinning: Hope Square
When we decided to create the Hill Station we decided as members of our community that we wanted to see something change for the better. We found a space, we found money, we found each other to help make it happen and we created something that we all feel is our own. That’s a process […]

Big Lunch Big Success Jun 7
Highlights in Summary: 550 people came along to Sunday’s Big Lunch Everyone who wanted free food had it – something like 200 burgers/sausages donated by the Hill Station We had 22 stalls and all of the traders loved having the opportunity to sell and promote their wares We had 13 different bands/solo performers from Beat Boxing […]

re:sound presents Tre Voci Jun 11
Tre Voci will be presenting a programme including works by John Dunstable, Johannes Ockeghem, William Byrd, William Lawes and featuring J.S.Bach’s Gamba Sonata in G major arranged by the group. Venue: St Catherine’s Church, Pepys Rd, SE14 Thurs Jun 11, 7pm Tickets More info
Local Websites
Hope Square conversation September 18, 2015
Call for artists October 6, 2015
Positive action refugee twinning meeting 7pm Oct 13 October 7, 2015
Refugee twinning action meeting October 14, 2015
Dick Whittington Dec 4-6 November 6, 2015
Bold Vision friends’ gathering 7pm Nov 26 November 6, 2015
Bold Vision friends’ gathering 7pm Nov 26 November 6, 2015
Dick Whittington Dec 4-6 November 6, 2015
Refugee twinning action meeting October 14, 2015
Positive action refugee twinning meeting 7pm Oct 13 October 7, 2015
Call for artists October 6, 2015
Hope Square conversation September 18, 2015
- Twinning project: capacity building | Bold Vision | Telegraph Hill: […] can see more about the exciting developm...
- Tue Jun 09 ’15 Announcement from Collaborative artwork in Syrian Refugee Camp | Naija Music and Beats: […] love to see you at our fundraising eveni...
Amos: foo bar...
Abigail Dace: The contact for the Hill Trader has now been chang...
- Film screening Oct 13 and Oct 31 | Bold Vision | Telegraph HillBold Vision: [...] Cinetopia brings you a third season of fabul...
- London Book And Poetry Events: 26 September-2 October 2013 | Londonist: [...] actors reading writers at the Hill Station i...
: Dainora, see the new post http://www.boldvision.or...