Last night Common Growth was awarded first prize in the community gardens category of the Lewisham in Bloom competition! We’re so excited and proud! They recognised all the work we have done to the difficult space with minimal resources and over quite a short time, and they commended our cooking activities, workshops and other events […]
Two Cinetopias in a Month!
In addition to our one-off special at the Albany on 27 February tickets are still available for our regular… [more]
Tango Night
Bold vision will be running an Argentinian themed fundraiser on the 16th of February. Live performance… [more]
Drawing On Babel
Ion Teale Curated by Patricio Forrester for Bold Vision Something unusual is happening at the… [more]
Spending time credits watching footie at Millwall!
Hello network members. A quick request to those of you or your… [more]
Spend Time Credits at The Boat Show Comedy nights
Spend Time Credits at London’s finest floating comedy club , Tattershall Castle, Victoria Embankment,… [more]
New Spend Opportunities – City Lit courses,Theatre, Concerts, Comedy,Tea Dances and much more
The sun is shiny, and its a lovely day to start thinking about spending time credits or promoting… [more]
Cinetopia @ The Albany
We will be bringing our usual mix of film, food and fun to the Albany next month as part of Yam Yam East,… [more]

Edible Garden Day at Common Growth
Common Growth cooked up a feast for Edible Garden Day on Saturday 21st Sept, part of Capital Growth’s Urban Food Fortnight. Visitors and garden volunteers tucked into a hearty tarragon and pumpkin soup with homemade bread and tomato salad – freshly picked and prepared at the garden. There’s loads going on in the garden (besides […]

Free gardening workshops in August
Dear Garden lovers, With all this warmth and sunshine the garden is bursting with life – come and pop in for a visit! We’ve got our regular Sunday opening from 2.00pm to 5.00pm and also both a kids workshop and an adults workshop in August, so you’re spoilt for choice! First up is the kid’s […]

Grow Wild are recruiting!
We’re pleased to announce that we are currently recruiting for a ‘Pick and Preserve’ short term contractor to join the Grow Wild team for the summer months! As the Grow Wild project has developed we have recognised an opportunity to harness, harvest and enjoy the boun ty of food growing in the local area. The […]

Busy Bees at Common Growth
The beautiful wildflower display at the Common Growth Community Garden is attracting lots of bees, bumblebees and other amazing insects. Here some pictures from last Sunday. Do come and have a look and enjoy our lovely garden some time. We are open on Sunday afternoons from 2-5pm – hope to see you there! If you’d […]

Workshop on organic pest control methods: Jun 8
Grow Wild and Common Growth are inviting you to another free permaculture gardening workshop at the Common Growth Community Garden on Sandbourne Rd. The workshops are informal and fun, and it’s a great way to learn a few more gardening skills and share tips with other gardeners. Saturday’s course is on pests, and although this […]
Local Websites
Solstice Parade Dec 21 December 9, 2013
Tango Night January 28, 2014
Drawing On Babel January 28, 2014
Spending time credits watching footie at Millwall! January 23, 2014
Spend Time Credits at The Boat Show Comedy nights January 21, 2014
New Spend Opportunities – City Lit courses,Theatre, Concerts, Comedy,Tea Dances and much more January 21, 2014
Cinetopia @ The Albany January 21, 2014
Two Cinetopias in a Month! February 1, 2014
Tango Night January 28, 2014
Drawing On Babel January 28, 2014
Spending time credits watching footie at Millwall! January 23, 2014
Spend Time Credits at The Boat Show Comedy nights January 21, 2014
New Spend Opportunities – City Lit courses,Theatre, Concerts, Comedy,Tea Dances and much more January 21, 2014
Cinetopia @ The Albany January 21, 2014
Amos: foo bar...
Abigail Dace: The contact for the Hill Trader has now been chang...
- Film screening Oct 13 and Oct 31 | Bold Vision | Telegraph HillBold Vision: [...] Cinetopia brings you a third season of fabul...
- London Book And Poetry Events: 26 September-2 October 2013 | Londonist: [...] actors reading writers at the Hill Station i...
: Dainora, see the new post http://www.boldvision.or...
- Free & Cheap London Events: 12-18 August 2013 | Cheap HD DVD Movies, Cheap Music, Ebook Free: [...] An adult workshop focusing on herbs and thei...
Dainora: Hello, is it possible to get the contacts of peopl...