- Common Growth volunteers
We’ve been working hard all winter to get the garden ready for another year of growing fun. We’ve built a pergola, and a new raised bed, repaired the greenhouse after heavy storms (!), planted bulbs, turned compost, dug manure into the soil, repaired and painted a bench that we found on the street and shared numerous bowls of hearty soup!
The garden is usually open every Sunday afternoon from 2-5, and during the Telegraph Hill Festival we are putting on a couple of extra events. On Saturday the 22nd of March the garden is open from 2-5 for the ‘The Big Dig’ – a nationwide project organised by Capital Growth to get more people down to their local community gardens to get involved with food growing!
And on Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 5th of April it’s ‘Art in the Garden’ day as part of the ‘Open Studios’ weekend! Come and join us between 2-5 pm to help paint the fence inside our garden. Together with local artist Myah we are creating the Longest Artwork in New Cross (15 metres)! No need to bring any paint, but spare paint brushes are appreciated. Make sure to wear some old clothes.
We’ve been awarded some funding by the local council to organise more gardening workshops for kids and adults in collaboration with Frendsbury Community Gardens in Brockley. This is great news for all, as the workshops are free for all to attend, informative, practical & fun, and they help us to develop the garden. So do come along if you can! A full programme will be confirmed shortly, but the first workshops will be as follows:
Saturday 12th of April – Let’s get sowing and growing!
10.00-12.00 Frendsbury Community Garden, Frendsbury Road, Brockley, SE4 2LB
13.30-15.30 Common Growth Community Garden, Sandbourne Road, New Cross, SE4 2NS
Hints and tips for sowing seeds (conditions, compost)
Hardening off, Pricking out and Potting on seedlings
Practical activities & seed pots to take home!
The workshops are informal and fun, and a great way to learn a few more gardening skills and share tips with other gardeners. If you would like to attend or want more information, then please text Rich on or email giving the name of attendees and a contact telephone number and which course at which garden you’d like to attend. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. All courses are free, but we suggest a £3 voluntary donation to help cover the costs of materials.
See you at Common Growth!
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